de vétérans / Veterans gallery
(309 Photos)
A Tribute to the men and women who fought for our Freedom.  Rudy ALBANESE |  Edgar H. ALBERS, Jr. |  Joseph ALEXANDER |  Mark J. ALEXANDER |  Howard J. ALFREY |  Harold O. ALLENSWORTH |  Verlaine B. ALTON |  Louis AMBROSIO |  James R. ARGO |  John R. ARMELLINO |  Angus ARMSTRONG |  Charles ARNOLD |  Robert W. ARNOLD |  Howard A. BAKER |  Douglas BARNETT |  Ollie E. BARRINGTON |  Ben BARTHOLOMEW |  Calvin R. BATCHELOR |  James D. BEASANT |  Neal W. BEAVER |  Gale B. BECCUE |  Kenneth C. BELL |  Albert J. BERARD |  Lucille E. BERARD |  Bayard B. BINGHAM |  Ernest R. BLANCHARD |  Charles P. BLANKENSHIP |  Donald L. BOATRIGHT |  Carl E. BOMBARDIER |  William M. BONNAMY |  Sinaï J. BORDELEAU |  John BOSS |  Joseph W. BRADY |  Gilbert BRERETON |  Velton J. BREWER |  James N. BRINK |  Stephen P. BROWARD |  William J. BRUNSMAN |  George E. BRYAN |  Elbert O. BUCHANAN |  Joseph R. BUCKNER |  William E. BULLARD |  Ray T. BURCHELL |  Harry H. BURTON |  James W. BUSSARD |  Oscar L. BYRN |  Robert E. CALLAHAN |  Francis G. CALO |  Cletis C. CARMEAN |
Veterans (or family member), you were in Normandy in 1944? Please contact me to add your photograph in the Gallery.