U.S. Airborne in Cotentin Peninsula




Copy No. 131 of 200 Copies
Auth: CG 101 AB Div
Date: 18 May 1944
 Hq 101st AB Division
APO 472, U.S. Army
18 May 1944
Administrative Order No. 1 (NEPTUNE)


France, GSGS 4250
Scale: 1/50,000
Sheets: LaHaye, Dupuits, Periers, Valogne, Isigny
  1. Prior to Embarkation.
    (1) All organizations will be supplied and equipped prior to embarkation in accordance with "G-4 Administrative Instructions Preliminary to Mounting", which has been issued to each organization.
  2. Class I.
    (1) One (1) type "K" and one (1) type "D" ration will be carried by each individual.

    (2) All organizations, airborne, will carry one (1) type "K" ration for personnel in planes and gliders.

    (3) All organizations, seaborne, will carry three (3) type "K" rations for personnel transported by sea.

    (4) 3807th Quartermaster Truck Company (attached) will carry two (2) type "K" rations for all personnel transported by air.

    (5) Division Quartermaster will establish Class I dump within Division Service Area from which units will draw rations.

    (6) Daily strength returns will be submitted by organizations informally, which will be basis for following days issue of rations.
  3. Class II.
    (1) The 3807th Quartermaster Truck Company will transport the following loads.
            (a) One (1) truck Medical Supplies.
            (b) Two (2) trucks Signal Supplies.
  4. Class III.
    (1) All gasoline tanks will be filled, and vehicles properly lubricated prior to departure from Marshalling Area.

    (2) Division Quartermaster will establish Class III dump within Division Service Area.

    (3) Organizations will deliver empty cans to Division dump.
  5. Class V.
    (1) Each organization will carry its full basic load of ammunition.

    (2) Additional ammunition will be loaded in planes by units concerned as follows:
         (a) Three (3) planes, 3rd Battalion 506th Parachute Infantry.
         (b) Eight (8) planes, 377th Parachute Field Artillery Battalion.
         (c) Four (4) planes, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment.

    (3) The 3807th Quartermaster Truck Company will carry ninety-five (95) tons of ammunition as prescribed by the Division Ammunition Officer.

    (4) Extra aerial delivery container racks will be used by unit Commanders to carry extra ammunition. Maximum number of racks will be utilized.

    (5) Division Ammunition Officer will establish Class V dump within Division Service Area from which units will draw ammunition.

    (6) Ammunition expenditure reports will be submitted daily as of 0600 hours and will be delivered by 0900 hours to Division Ammunition Officer in Division Service Area.
  6. Water.
    (1) Canteens will be filled prior to departure from Marshalling areas.

    (2) All individuals will carry one (1) bottle of Halazone tablets containing one hundred (100) tablets each. Water is to be considered non-potable until treated.

    (3) All ¼-ton trucks, airborne, will carry ten (10) empty vinyl water containers, and one (1) full 5-gallon can.

    (4) All ¼-ton trucks, seaborne, will carry four (4) full 5-gallon cans or ten (10) empty vinyl water containers.
  7. Resupply by air.
    (1) One (1) day of Class I, III, V, Medical and certain Class II Signal Supplies have been prestocked at resupply departure airfields.
    Supplies are available on call of the Division.
  1. Casualties.
    (1) Initially, The 326th Airborne Medical Company will set up Collecting Posts at drop zones.

    (2) On landing of glider echelon, detachments 326th Airborne Medical Company will augment the Parachute Sections.

    (3) 326th Airborne Medical Company (less detachments) on arrival on D day by sea will set up Clearing Station in Division Service Area.
  2. BURIAL.
    (1) See Operational Memorandum number 7 this Headquarters, dated 20 April 1944.

    (2) Detachment 603rd Quartermaster Graves Registration Company at Division Cemetery for identification and registration.

    (3) Location 101st Airborne Division Cemetery 365937

    (4) The First Engineer Special Brigade will establish temporary cemeteries within their area for the burial of casualties in the beach area. The First Engineer Special Brigade will be responsible for burials in the beach maintenance area.
  3. Salvage.
    (1) All salvage will be evacuated to Division Service Area.
  4. Captured Materiel.
    (1) When possible captured materiel will be evacuated to Division Service Area. All unevacuated materiel will be reported promptly to Division G-4.

    (2) No enemy stocks of gasoline will be used until tested and approved by Division Quartermaster.
  5. Prisoners of War.
    (1) Location of 101st Airborne Division Prisoner of War Collecting Point 380923, Opens J + 2½ hours.

    (2) The First Engineer Special Brigade will establish a Prisoner of War Enclosure at 398991.

    (3) See Operationnal Memorandum number 12, this Headquarters dated 24 April 1944 for responsibility of evacuation.
  1. See Operationnal Memorandum number 16, this Headquarters, dated 8 May 1944.
  2. All vehicles will drive on RIGHT side of road.
  3. Main Supply Route - See annex No. 1.
  4. Control.
    (1) Necessary control to be effected by Division Provost Marshal.
  5. Priorities.
    (1) Tactical movement of troops by motor.

    (2) Ambulances.

    (3) Wire patrols and construction crews.

    (4) Staff cars and messenger vehicles.

    (5) Supply convoys.
         (a) Class V.
         (b) Class III.
         (c) Class I.
         (d) Other supply traffic.
  6. Restrictions.
    (1) Blackout lights ONLY will be used during darkness.

    (2) Local traffic regulations will be complied with.
  1. Stragglers - unit responsability.
  2. All surplus baggage will be stored at unit base camps prior to departure. Surplus baggage left at Marshalling Areas will be handled by the Division Rear Echelon.
  3. Mail service will be suspended from final briefing until D + 3. After D + 3 mail service will be continued as prescribed in Operationnal Memorandum number 2, this Headquarters, dated 4 April 1944.
  4. Shelter - See G-1 Administrative Instructions this Headquarters, dated 17 May 1944.
  5. Strength reports.
    (1) G-1 (S-1) Periodic Report will be submitted as prescribed in G-1 Administrative Instructions this Headquarters, dated 17 May 1944.

    (2) Combat Effective Strength Report will be submitted daily, beginning D + 1, as of 2400 hours the previous day; to reach the Command Echelon of the Division Command Post by 0900 hours.
  6. Replacements - See G-1 Administrative Instructions, this headquarters, dated 17 May 1944.
  1. Rear echelon - Greenham Lodge.
  2. Bomb disposal by Ordnance units. Locations will be reported by units.
  3. Major items of equipment lost in combat will be reported to Division Ordnance Officer.
  4. Civil Affairs - See G-1 Administrative Instructions this Headquarters, dated 17 May 1944.

1. Inclosure:
  Annex No. 1, Circulation and Administrative Installations Overlay.
